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International Conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technology – 2022 (ICACCCT' 22) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of engineering technology and innovation.
Now-a-days the academia and researchers are not only pondering but also experiencing the overwhelming outcomes of interdisciplinary researches. Moreover, it has been ubiquitously encouraged by the governments, research agencies and by academic institutions.
The context of the conference is to foster as well as exaggerate the research culture among academia and industry facilitated by sprinkled out ideas by exchange of the intellect during conduct of the conference. Furthermore, the intent of the activity is to let the participants acquaint with transcendental growth, recent trends, innovations and security issues involved in the domain of communication technologies, high performance computing, big data,
social media, hardware & software design, advanced software engineering, internet of things (IoT), e-governance etc., and their impact on societal applications through various brainstorming sessions.
The conference will facilitate the young researchers, industries and research agencies especially, those, who are carrying out their research work in the aforesaid domain of Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics And Communication Engineering with valuable discussions in order to make the outcomes more realistic.

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